I'm sorry I've been so remis in my blogging duties. In my defense - its been a hard (but fun!) couple of weeks up here though - and not much time for interwebing I'm afraid. We had a solid week and a half of rain which, along with some material delivery problems, set us back a little bit. But since then its been all sun and LOTS of house framing.
We got delivery of all the missing material last monday - and we've been out straight since then trying to get the house dried in. Things are all getting heavier and higher these days - and so we're all real sore - but in a good way. Everything is coming along very well so far - and we should have the house sheathed and roofed before the 4th of July!
Loft floor framing, and one of the big kitchen windows |
Carrie - laying down sub-floor glue |
Jason and Carrie - laying the loft floor |
Once the loft floor was all roughed in, it was up and up and up and up. The roof in this house is set on a large ridge beam and all the rafters hang off it - this allows us to avoid any collar-ties and so the air-sealing is much easier (because we don't have framing penetrating the ceiling plane) not to mention the killer loft-space it allows us to create.
That all sounds super . . . at least until you are actually faced with lifting 40' beams up to the top of the house. But they are all in and set and everything went very smoothly.
The north ridge beam being set |
John cutting the one of the big beams |
craining up one of the main beams |
But after the fun crane work - it was all about roof framing. Today we finished sheathing the roof and I'll upload some pics soon. Not exactly the most relaxing 4th of July weekend - but fun nonetheless, and the house is really starting to take shape at last!
Setting the first rafter at the end of the day |
Carrie: rafter framing |
Entry end framing |
the house almost fully framed in - end of the day friday |